US, UK issues travel advisory on Uganda

US, UK issues travel advisory on Uganda
The United States (US) and The United Kingdom (UK) has issued travel advice on Uganda warning its nationals of heightened political tensions

The United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued travel advice on Uganda warning its nationals of heightened political tensions.

The USA Embassy in Kampala equally issued a travel advice statement on Sunday, predicting continued political protest.

In a travel advisory issued on Sunday and updated on Monday morning, UK warned that there is a likelihood of increased protests that could turn violent.

“The arrest of a number of opposition Members of Parliament following violence around the Arua by-election on the 15 August 2018 has led to heightened political tension,” the travel advice statement reads.

“There is an increased likelihood of protests, which may turn violent, across Uganda.

On Sunday 19 August there were violent protests in Mityana which temporarily closed the road from Kampala to Fort Portal.”

There were violent clashes in Mityana yesterday where one person was killed and other 6 fatally injured as residents demonstrated following rumours that their MP Zaake Francis had died. Zaake is among MPs who were arrested in Arua on Monday last week on the final day on municipality MP by-election.

The MP is currently admitted in Rubaga Hospital, for injuries allegedly sustained while in custody, following his arrest.

Other MPs; Robert Kaygulanyi aka Bobi Wine is currently detained at Makindye Military Barracks and receiving treatment. Gerald Karuhanga, Kasiano Wadri and Paul Mwiru, as well as other people arrested in Arua, are detained in Gulu.

The UK advised its citizens, to take great care and avoid being in places where they are demonstrations. “The police have used tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition to disperse demonstrators,” the statement reads.

If a person finds him or herself caught up in a political demonstration, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said they should remain calm and try to move away from the area by the safest possible route.

“If you’re travelling in a vehicle, ensure that the doors are locked. If you’re in your accommodation and there’s a demonstration nearby, remain inside if you judge that leaving your accommodation is threatening or unsafe. Familiarise yourself with the security procedures in place at your accommodation, and make sure appropriate precautions are deployed as necessary,” the travel advice statement further says.

The US Embassy said; “Avoid areas where demonstrations are taking place. Exercise caution when in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations. Do not photograph police, military personnel, government buildings or protests.”

The embassy further advised US citizens in Uganda to Review their personal security plans, remain aware of their surroundings and monitor local news stations for updates.