How Kadaga beat Namuganza to retain CEC position

Rebecca Kadaga retains CEC seat
Kadaga campaigned across the country

Kampala, Uganda | URN | The fiercely contested National Resistance Movement (NRM) Central Executive Council (CEC) elections concluded in the early hours of Friday 21st, with Rebecca Kadaga retaining her seat, but defeats for several incumbents.

Jacob Oulanyah ousted Sam Engola to take the Northern region vice-chairperson seat, Chris Baryomunsi trounced Maj Gen Matayo Kyaligonza while Katongole Singh Marwaha trounced Godfrey Nyakaana. The race between Mike Mukula and Sanjay Tanna for the seat in Eastern Uganda was still ongoing by press time.

All eyes were however on the battle between Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga and Persis Namuganza, the State Minister for Lands for the position of the National Resistance Movement  second National Vice-Chairperson.

According to results declared by the NRM Electoral Commission Chairman Dr Tanga Odoi, this morning, Kadaga scored 6,776 votes against Namuganza’s 3,943 votes with only a handful of district results still pending. The two ladies who both hail from Busoga region with one representing Kamuli district and the other Bukhono County in Namutumba district have fought a bitter campaign.

Namuganza accused Kadaga of being disloyal to NRM and its chairman President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and added that on several occasions, Kadaga sided with the opposition in parliament to bring motions that cast the NRM in a bad light. On the other hand, Kadaga looked at Namuganza as a front of powerful people in the NRM who are unhappy with the way she steers parliament.

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah has also flipped the seat that has been held by Col. Sam Engola. Oulanyah scored 7,473 votes against Engola’s 1,665 votes to become the NRM vice chairman northern region. Timothy Okee Jokene got 895 votes while Dr Odongo Oledo managed only 277 votes.

For the Western region, this time Chris Baryomunsi, the State Minister for Housing will be the vice-chairman after defeating the incumbent Maj. Gen. Matayo Kyaligonza with 5,947 votes against 2,550. In the same race, Florence Kintu Tumwine came third with 1,875, followed by Muhangi Wilberforce with 1,255 votes, Boaz Kafuda fifth with 602 votes and Dr Diini Kisembo with 224 votes.

For Kampala region, Katongole Singh Marwaha defeated the incumbent Amooti Godfrey Nyakana after scoring 4,503 votes against 2,665 votes. Salim Uhuru came third with 2,466 votes.

In Karamoja, the incumbent Simon Peter Aleper retained his seat after defeating his only challenger Lokor Jimmy with 8,143 against 2,220.

Read Also: Uganda Speaker Rebecca Kadaga’s convoy knocks three in Fort Portal

For vice chairman Buganda region, Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi, the State Minister for Tourism, took the day after defeating his closest challenge Moses Karangwa Kalisa. Kiwanda got 4,749 votes against Karangwa’s 3,701. Other contestants in the race were Kiganda Twaha Ssonko who got 1,048 votes, Mayengo Moses who got 127 votes and Magaro John 675.

Meanwhile, the position of vice-chairperson eastern is still contested until all the results all tallied. With results from 16 districts yet to be tallied, the incumbent, Capt. Mike Mukula, had got 5,818 votes against his closest rival Sanjay Tana who had 4,162 votes. Akello Christine the other candidate in the race had 162 votes.

✳ Chairperson
Yoweri  Museveni – Unopposed

✳ 1st Vice-Chairperson
Moses Kigongo – Unopposed

✳ 2nd Vice-Chairperson
Rebecca Kadaga  –  6,776 votes
Persis Namuganza – 3,943 votes

✳ Vice Chairperson Western
Maj Gen Mataayo – 2,550
Chris Baryomunsi – 5,947

✳ Vice Chairperson Central
Kiwanda Godfrey – 4,800
Kalisa Kalangwa – 3,701

✳ Vice Chairperson Eastern
Tanna Sanjay – 4,162
Mukula M George – 5,818

✳ Vice Chairperson Karamoja
Aleper Simon Peter – 8,143
Jimmy Lokoru – 2,220

✳  Vice Chairperson Kampala
Godfrey Nyakana –  2,665
Singh Katongole –  4,503
Salim Uhuru – 2,468