Lyantonde FDC mobiliser Atuhaire killed in cold blood

Lyantonde FDC mobiliser Atuhaire killed in cold blood

Lyantonde, Uganda | URN | Lyantonde Town Council Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) mobiliser, Emmanuel Atuhaire has been killed in cold blood by unknown assailants.

Atuhaire’s lifeless body was found lying in a pool of blood along the road in Mwere Nyakinengo in Biharwe Mbarara city on Saturday 6th, March 2021 evening.

Kahiigwa Nafuka, the Mwere Cell LC I vice-chairperson, says that she saw that deceased’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood around 6 pm while heading to the trading centre.

Denis Byabakwo, one of the friends of the deceased says that the assailants waylaid Atuhaire, who was fondly known as ‘Master Emma’ while on his way from Mbarara.    

He explains that Atuhaire has been running a bar and pork joint, and would sometimes deal in the sale of matooke. Lyantonde FDC chairperson Edward Miiro says that he last spoke to the deceased on Friday 5, March 2021.

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“On Friday he called some business associates who he supplied pork asking them to pay him. So they told him to pick the money on Saturday. So we think those that killed him wanted the money he had just collected, what we don’t know is whether they trailed him from Lyantonde or Mbarara,” he said.  

Atuhaire contested for KooKi Zone LC I chairperson’s seat on the FDC ticket but lost to NRM’s Hamis Kyeyune. His body was still lying at Mbarara Regional Referral hospital where he was taken for postmortem.