Gen Katumba’s shooters still hiding in Bukoto, Ntinda – Security

Gen Katumba's shooters still hiding in Bukoto, Ntinda - Security
Forensic experts secure the scene of an attempted assassination on former minister for Works and Transport and former Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Katumba Wamala, in which he was wounded and his daughter and driver killed in the suburb of Kiasasi within Kampala, Uganda June 1, 2021. COURTESY PHOTO/REUTERS/Abubaker Lubowa

Kampala, Uganda | URN | Security personnel from the joint intelligence and operations teams believe that assassins who riddled Gen Edward Katumba Wamala’s military vehicle with bullets on Tuesday 1, June 2021 morning are still hiding within Bukoto and Ntinda areas.

Gen Katumba was attacked along Kisota road by gunmen riding on motorcycles in an assassination attempt that claimed the life of his daughter Brenda Nantongo and his driver Haruna Kayondo.

The Joint Intelligence committee (JIC) led by Brig Chris Damulira and Joint Operations Committee (JOC) headed by AIGP Edward Ochom has since been reviewing footage captured by private and public Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras in the neighbourhood.

JIC brings together the External Security Organisation (ESO), the Internal Security Organisation (ISO),  police and military intelligence personnel while JOC unites the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF), the Uganda Police, Prisons and ISO.

Security personnel who spoke to this publication said that seven CCTV footages including three from private homes along Kisota road show how attackers shot at Katumba’s vehicle and how they left the scene. The whole incident lasted 11 minutes as recorded by security cameras.

The CCTV clip released by police on Tuesday 1, June 2021 afternoon shows the suspected killers joining Kisota-Bukoto road junction at 9 am. They proceeded to Bukoto and branched off at Oryx Energies taking the upward route where the CCTV cameras could no longer see their movements.

Gen Katumba's shooters still hiding in Bukoto, Ntinda - Security
Police investigators combed on the crime scene of the shooting of General Katumba Wamala’s car in Kisasi, Kampala, Uganda.

This publication understands that personnel at CCTV command centre at Naguru police headquarters which also houses the National Security Taskforce were told to retrieve all footage captured in Bukoto and Ntinda areas. Security after reviewing the footage for several hours have concluded that the assailants did not go beyond Bukoto.

“All cameras on Bukoto-Kisaasi, Kira–Ntinda, Ntinda-Kigoowa and Kiwatule and others did not capture these motorcycles going through Bukoto or Ntinda areas. This gives us hope that they are still hiding within Bukoto or they abandoned their motorcycles in Bukoto areas,” a senior security source said.

With the hope that the suspects did not go through Bukoto or Ntinda using their motorcycles, security have reportedly deployed dozens of covert intelligence and operations teams ready to face off with the alleged shooters.

This publication has seen pictures of two cars that allegedly surveyed the area minutes before the arrival of Gen. Katumba’s car. One car was captured four times moving within the Bukoto-Kisaasi and Kisota road axis between 7 am to 9 am.

Read Also: Assassins trailed Gen Katumba’s vehicle for 4km – Gen Lokech

“We have extracted the images of these cars and motorcycles. We have positioned these pictures in our CCTV system for automated alert in case they are sighted anywhere. We have gathered more than enough information from locals who show these cars seemingly surveying the area,” sources added.

Besides the full-time CCTV monitoring of Bukoto and Ntinda areas, security sources are also planning to cordon off the area and conduct a house to house search in already identified zones. Sources also added that motorcycles bearing features of those recorded by CCTVs have already been picked.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Paul Lokech in a statement said Gen. Katumba was attacked between 8:47 am and 8-58 am. He was moving in a Toyota Land Cruiser Registration number H4DF2138.