Shock as Ugandan couple caught having sex inside church

Shock as Ugandan couple caught having sex inside church

Kayunga, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | A group of worshippers in Uganda has vowed never to set foot in Bugonya Church of Uganda in Kayonza Sub County, in Kayunga District after a couple was caught having sex near the pulpit on the altar on Tuesday 4, July 2023.

The couple, a married 23-year-old male Catholic and his recently divorced Muslim lover, were reportedly caught pants down having sex inside church by the man’s official wife who raised the alarm, drawing the attention of nearby residents.

“The two were arrested amid condemnation from residents. A headgear belonging to the woman and a T-shirt for the man are being kept at the Local Council’s (LC) residence as exhibits,” Bugonya LC1 chairman George William Kanda told this publication.

While the lovebirds are said not to be church members, the Bugonya LC1 chairman explains that the couple both residents of his village sneaked into the church through the window.

“They accessed the church through the windows since the doors were shut.”

Kanda added that following the incident, the culprits were frogmarched half-naked to his office by irate residents but he later set them free after filing a promiscuity case against them.

By Thursday 6, July 2023, the man had gone into hiding; his current whereabouts remain unknown.

“A case does not rot. He will answer for his sin anytime be comes back,” said Bugonya LC1 chairman George William Kanda.

The man is married with two children while the woman is said to be staying with the mother in Bugonya village after divorcing her ex-husband with whom they were staying in Kitimbwa Town Council, according to local authorities.

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The Kayunga District Officer in-charge of Criminal Investigations Department Beatrice Ajwang said she heard about the incident but the case had not been reported to police.

The faithful, from the Bugonya Church of Uganda, now want church leaders to organise a cleansing ceremony to sanctify the church before it resumes operations.

Church leaders have since urged their flock to fast for an unknown number of days following the incident which they labeled as shocking and sinful. 

“The couple should repent and seek God’s forgiveness,” one church member who was at the scene said.

Bugonya village is located about 35 kilometers from Kayunga Town.