Opposition leaders Bobi Wine, Dr Kizza Besigye ‘under house arrest’

Opposition leaders Bobi Wine, Dr Kizza Besigye 'under house arrest'
From Left: Dr. Kizza Besigye, former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) leader, and Robert Kyagulanyi, the leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | Security forces have cordoned off the residences of notable opposition figures Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine and veteran opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye in anticipation of a scheduled protest in the capital city, Kampala.

Both Dr. Kizza Besigye and Bobi Wine have claimed that they are currently under house arrest.

Mr. Kyagulanyi, along with fellow opposition leaders aligned with the “Forces of Change” pressure group, had intended to organize protests highlighting what they perceive as “insufficient” service delivery by the governing administration.

As an integral aspect of the planned demonstrations set to commence today, the opposition coalition had devised a unique strategy: planting banana stems in every pothole in Kampala to express their discontent with the condition of the country’s roads.

Also Read: Fix roads instead of blocking opposition, LoP Ssenyonyi criticizes govt

Nevertheless, on Thursday, Mr. Kyagulanyi utilized his official X platform to assert that security forces had encircled his residence, disrupting and undermining his protest initiatives.

“The cowardly military & police have surrounded our home and put us under house arrest, but the protest is on. Fix our roads! Free Political Prisoners! Free Uganda!,” Bobi Wine posted.

Earlier today, veteran opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) alleged that security operatives had encircled and restricted his movements at his residence.

“Barricaded at home by the COWARDS! No turning back; we deserve better. Please do what you can, wherever you’re, with whatever you have, to show the terrible roads affecting you today,” Dr. Besigye posted on X.

Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson confirmed the “security deployment” outside the two residences.

“We have taken some measures to stop them from instigating some people to hold unlawful assemblies and political demonstrations,” Patrick Onyango told the Kampala Dispatch.

“There is security deployment at Bobi Wine and Dr Besigye’s homes not to arrest but as a preventive measure in line with police mandate,” he added.

Earlier this week, the Police issued a warning, stating their firm stance against any disruptions to traffic flow in Kampala, particularly during the ongoing Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the upcoming G77+ China summits.

Police have vowed to block the demonstrations, saying that protests organised by the politicians “have never been peaceful” and would disrupt a key summit under way in the capital.

Some 4,000 delegates are attending the 19th Non-Aligned Movement summit in Kampala.

The authorities explicitly declared the planned protests as unlawful, emphasizing their commitment to preventing any activities that might lead to violence, including unauthorized assemblies.

“Therefore, any violent acts committed in any part of the country, under the guise of peaceful protests, shall be swiftly disrupted, investigated, perpetrators arrested and charged to court,” authorities said.