End politics of hatred, division – Museveni tells Bobi Wine, Dr Besigye

End politics of hatred, division - Museveni tells Bobi Wine, Dr Besigye

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | President Museveni has called upon Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine, and Dr. Kizza Besigye to abandon the politics of hatred and division.

His remarks were made during a vigil held at the Parliament Buildings in Kampala to honour the late legislator Cecilia Ogwal.

Mr. Museveni urged opposition leaders to emulate the late Cecilia Ogwal’s unwavering commitment to resisting those undermining the government, praising her as a principled leader who rejected adversarial politics—a sentiment endorsed by Norbert Mao, the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, and Jimmy Akena, the President of the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC).

“Notable figures such as Jimmy Akena and Betty Amongi have rejected the politics of hatred. Even my former adversary, who once sought to remove me from power, and I have found common ground. Mao and the Democratic Party have also distanced themselves from this politics of division,” said President Museveni.

Mr. Museveni emphasized that a faction within Uganda persisted in practicing politics of hatred, noting that this group was identifiable and well-known.

“Everyone is aware of them. They even attempted to undermine the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit. The NAM Summit is not about me, and they are not responsible for tending to my cattle. What have they done for me? Promoting our country to foster better understanding is that a bad thing?,” President Museveni questioned.

He underscored his disagreement with those attempting to undermine valuable summits for Uganda, emphasizing the significance of these opportunities for the nation.

Despite the organized protests by leaders such as Robert Kyagulanyi (NUP leader) and Dr. Kizza Besigye (former FDC leader) under the United Forces of Change banner, demanding infrastructure improvements and the release of political prisoners, their plans faced obstruction, resulting in heightened military presence and restricted movements in their residential areas.

Opposition leaders Bobi Wine, Dr Kizza Besigye 'under house arrest'
From Left: Dr. Kizza Besigye, former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) leader, and Robert Kyagulanyi, the leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Dr. Kizza Besigye, confined to his home, referred to the authorities as “cowards.”

These leaders have been encouraging citizens to use social media platforms to illustrate the consequences of the road crisis, with individuals sharing photos and stories highlighting daily difficulties caused by poorly maintained roads.

The campaign aims to shed light on the urgent need for infrastructure improvements and government accountability, as the deteriorating state of Uganda’s roads has long been a concern affecting daily life and economic activities.

Also Read: Museveni accuses Bobi Wine of being a fascist

Concurrently, the demand for the release of political prisoners has become a rallying cry for advocates of human rights and political freedom.

Critics argue that the government’s actions are an attempt to stifle dissent and opposition voices, exacerbating tensions between the government and its critics.

With the standoff continuing, there are growing concerns about the potential escalation and increased unrest in the country.

As part of their initiative, they engaged in a unique form of protest by planting banana stems in potholes.

Furthermore, they had scheduled joint prayers in Iganga District on January 22 and Lira District on January 23. Regrettably, these events were canceled as the leaders (Bobi Wine and Dr. Kizza Besigye) found themselves under house arrest.