MK Movement rebrands to Patriotic League of Uganda

MK Movement rebrands to Patriotic League of Uganda
The MK Movement has rebranded to the Patriotic League of Uganda.

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | The MK Movement, led by First Son Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has rebranded and is now known as the “Patriotic League of Uganda,” as announced during a press conference at the group’s Naguru offices in Kampala.

In an official statement by Central Committee member Michael Mawanda, the Patriotic League of Uganda aims to rejuvenate the spirit of good citizenship, instill national pride, promote national service, and advocate for environmental protection, among other objectives.

Emphasizing national unity, peace, and stability as essential for the country’s development, the group asserts that achieving these objectives necessitates an organized and empowered patriotic citizenry contributing to the nation’s socio-economic progress.

 “We hereby constitute ourselves into a civic organization and assume and adopt a new name and identity of the Patriotic League of Uganda with the aim of working towards reviving in Ugandans a spirit of good citizenship, national pride, national service, protection of vulnerable persons, combating corruption and wastage of public resources, and protection of the environment.”

Mr. Michael Mawanda said.

The MK Movement, now rebranded as the “Patriotic League of Uganda,” has a history of engaging in various nationwide activities, such as community cleaning initiatives. Additionally, the group has consistently supported and defended Gen. Muhoozi on various issues.

During the Wednesday announcement, the group’s chairperson affirmed their commitment to ongoing efforts, stating that they will persist in mobilizing Ugandans to fulfill their civic duties as responsible citizens.

This mobilization aims to contribute to the overall well-being of society and protect the distinct natural and social harmony that defines Uganda.

“We commit to ensure that the Patriotic League of Uganda’s efforts towards reviving patriotism will remain non-partisan, non- denominational and non-sectarian.”

Last year, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba expressed dissatisfaction with the older generation of leaders, including his father, President Museveni, for their prolonged dominance over the young generation.

Frustrated with the ongoing wait, he openly declared his presidential ambitions for the upcoming 2026 elections.

“The Prime Minister of UK is 42 years old; the Prime Minister of Finland is 37 years. Some of us are hitting 50 years old. We are tired of waiting forever. We will take a stand! Fidel Castro, my HERO, became President at 32 years. I’m about to hit 49 years old. It’s really not right. The Presidency of the nation is meant for young men. How many agree with me that our time has come? Enough of the old people ruling us. Dominating us. It’s time for our generation to shine.”

Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba tweeted.

In a cautionary statement last year, President Museveni advised Gen. Muhoozi to be cautious of certain supporters within his circle, highlighting the presence of individuals motivated by self-interest rather than a genuine commitment to the cause.

“You remember when he celebrated his 48th birthday, there was some enthusiasm by some of the youths. When I analyzed it, I could see that it was because of weakness of our system. I could see it was sort of a resistance movement within the resistance movement(NRM).… but of course some of the things (Gen) Muhoozi doesn’t know is that some of them are looking for their own interests. Some are looking for this, some are looking for that.”

President Yoweri Museveni cautioned.

He commented that the matter concerning Gen. Muhoozi is “partly due to the weaknesses of NRM.”

He elaborated that some disheartened youths turn to the MK Movement, believing it offers a semblance of hope in response to the perceived shortcomings within the NRM.