Jowie Irungu found guilty of Monica Kimani murder, Jacque Maribe set free

Jowie Irungu found guilty of Monica Kimani murder, Jacque Maribe set free
Joseph Irungu, alias Jowie, found guilty of Monica Kimani murder, Jacque Maribe acquitted.

Nairobi, Kenya | By Michael Wandati | In a Friday 9, February 2024 court verdict in Kenya, Joseph Irungu, popularly known as “Jowie,” has been declared guilty of the brutal murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani, a case that captured the nation’s attention.

The heinous act occurred in September 19, 2018 when Mr. Irungu slit Ms. Kimani’s throat at her Nairobi home, leaving no chance for survival, as stated by Justice Grace Nzioka. Surprisingly, Irungu’s ex-fiancé and renowned news anchor, Ms. Jacque Maribe, was acquitted of the charges related to Kimani’s murder.

However, Justice Nzioka indicated that Ms. Maribe should face prosecution for providing false information to the police. The authorities accused Ms. Maribe of attempting to hide evidence by burning Mr. Irungu’s clothes after Kimani’s murder.

Justice Nzioka emphasized that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has the authority to take action against Ms. Maribe if deemed necessary.

On February 9, 2024, Joseph Irungu, known as Jowie, was taken into custody and escorted to prison following his conviction for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

Following her acquittal, Ms. Maribe exited the courtroom in a celebratory mood, clad in a bright yellow suit, while Mr. Irungu remained in custody.

Speaking to reporters, Ms. Maribe simply stated, “The truth shall set you free.”

Jacque Maribe appeared at Milimani Law Courts on February 9, 2024, in anticipation of the verdict regarding the murder case involving businesswoman Monica Kimani.

The trial has captivated Kenya, although the motive behind Kimani’s killing remains unknown.

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Mr. Irungu, formerly employed as a security officer in Dubai with a background in VIP security for Kenyan politicians, was identified as the last person seen with Kimani before her demise.

Mr. Irungu’s defense, claiming unfamiliarity with Ms. Kimani, was debunked by the judge, who pointed out that they both attended Kenya Polytechnic and were in the same class.

Mr. Irungu is scheduled for sentencing on March 8 and will remain in custody until then.